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All posts tagged Wendy Gaertner

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January 20, 2015 Aurora Town Council Meeting at Town Hall, Town of Aurora, Ontario. In the picture Members of Council: Councillor Tom Mrakas​, Councillor Wendy Gaertner, Councillor Michael Thompson and Councillor John Abel; on the back town employee Michael Kemp.


On December 2nd, 2014 Town of Aurora officially commenced the new 2014-2018 Municipal Term with the Inaugural Meeting of Aurora Town Council at Aurora Town Hall. Mayor Geoffrey Dawe along with Cllr John Abel (Deputy Mayor), Cllr Sandra Humfryes, Cllr Michael Thompson, Cllr Jeff Thom, Cllr Wendy Gaertner, Cllr Harold Kim, Cllr Tom Mrakas and Cllr Paul Pirri were sworn in. We elected this group, as our Mayor and our Aurora Town Council, to represent our community for the next four years.
