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All posts in Year 2014

On December 2nd, 2014 Town of Aurora officially commenced the new 2014-2018 Municipal Term with the Inaugural Meeting of Aurora Town Council at Aurora Town Hall. Mayor Geoffrey Dawe along with Cllr John Abel (Deputy Mayor), Cllr Sandra Humfryes, Cllr Michael Thompson, Cllr Jeff Thom, Cllr Wendy Gaertner, Cllr Harold Kim, Cllr Tom Mrakas and Cllr Paul Pirri were sworn in. We elected this group, as our Mayor and our Aurora Town Council, to represent our community for the next four years.


Ground breaking for the energy efficient facility Town of Aurora Joint Operation Centre took place on September 09, 2014. Among attendees were Mayor Geoffrey Dawe; Members of Council: Cllr John Abel, Cllr Evelyn Buck, Cllr Don Constable, Cllr Sandra Humfryes, Cllr Paul Pirri, Cllr Michael Thompson); Neil Garbe, Town of Aurora CAO; Ilmar Simanovskis, Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services; Phillip Galin, Manager of Facilities, Property and Fleet.


On August 16, 2014 the following sites were featured in the Doors Open Aurora: Merlin’s Hollow (Dierdre Tomlinson), The Blueprint House, A Walk in their Shoes (tour around the town with David Heard), Hillary House & Koffler Museum of Medicine, The Charles Henry Sheppard House & Sheppard’s Bush Conservation Area​ (currently Windfall Ecology Centre), Aurora Public Library, Aurora Cultural Centre (former Church Street School), Aurora Lawn Bowling Club, Brome House​, Absalom Blaker House, Hartman Corner’s School, Petch Log House, Trinity Anglican Church, Rising Sun Masonic Lodge​, Aurora Farmers’ Market and Artisan Fair.
